In the beginning there was no coffee or tea or biscuits or nuthin. And then this bearded weirdy spoke in the darkness: “Let there be beverages!” And right away there was lots n lots of stuff. Scattering the darkness and showing the infinite space and volume of his magnificent beard, He supped on the heavenly nectar and let out a right belter. “That’s good!” said God.
And indeed it was good. Creating and stuff are up there in the 'unequivocally objective top bestest things in the whole wide world list' along with sunshine and juicy mangoes. So this here's a little something I'll be knocking up to help people unlock their creative, timewasting talents, help them through the otherwise life sucking, soul destroying, character building days and stuff.
Ok so I chose a naff template, thoroughly unkool title and have bashed out a hasty concoction of raw, unwashed, effluent elocution BUT, and like a high school biology teacher it is a big BUT, there will be a font of fascinating fun, fiction and a frivolous scattering of FACT as only seen before in popular tabloids, to come. So watch this space, the space between your ears or the bit between us and where God hid the answer sheets. Otherwise, what's the point?
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